Nathalie Weadick is a cultural strategist, advisor and curator based in Dublin, Ireland. She operates in the spaces between visual art, architecture, design and spatial culture and is driven by the need to create contextually rich, original and meaningful encounters between creative practitioners Practice, diversified participants Public and visionary decision-makers Policy.


Milestone 2, PRS, Barcelona, 27 April 2024

I presented my Milestone 2 at the Practice Research Symposium(PRS) at Bau College of Art and Design in Barcelona, as part of my Co-tutelle with RMIT University and Queens University Belfast. The PRS is an intensive, twice-yearly gathering of research candidates, supervisors and guests. It facilitates collective learning and is the tangible focus of a learning community for practice research.

The Sweet Spot: Where the public, practice and policy intersect, 28th March 2024, Dublin

I was invited to present in the UCD Centre for Irish Towns (CfIT) – Talking Towns seminar series on Thursday March 28th, 1-2pm. The series aims to spark conversations about the challenges facing Irish towns, the opportunities they offer and the role of research and policy in bringing about the revitalisation of towns in Ireland. I will be specifically talking about the process and impact of Housing Unlocked, the exhibition I delivered with the Irish Architecture Foundation and the Housing Agency 2022-2023. The presentations will be followed by a group Q&A and the seminar will be recorded and uploaded on the CfIT YouTube channel.

Practice Research Symposium, 23-26 November 2023, Barcelona

Held in Barcelona twice a year, open only to PhD research candidates from across Europe who are part of the RMIT Practice Based Research and affiliated universities. The PRS provides an opportunity for shared reflection between researchers, supervisors and peer networking.

Creative Acts Symposium II, 6-8 October 2023, Monaco

Invited by Villanova’s University Centre for Irish Studies to present at a symposium on Sustainability at The Princess Grace Irish Library in Monaco.